Protests, Riots, and The Way of Christ

Two days ago when the protests, that turned into rioting and destruction of the Capitol happened I was watching various videos of it and I saw lots of images or banners that said things like, “Jesus Saves”, “Jesus 2020”, “Trump is my president Jesus is my savior”, “A vote for Trump is a vote for Jesus”, as well as seeing people waving the Christian flag and erecting huge crosses. Following this, I commented that this is not the Jesus that I follow, nor is it the message of Jesus I preach or teach.

So what did I mean by that? First I want to say who I was not talking about, I was not speaking about those who were protesting peacefully for something they believe in. While I disagree with them this is their right to do this, just as it was the right of Black Lives Matter protestors to stand up against injustice. However, it is clear by watching the many videos of this event that there were also extremists who wanted to topple our Capitol and cause harm. Many of the same people who would loudly proclaim, “Blue Lives Matter” were cussing out, threatening, and using physical force against police officers. Some of the same people who would loudly proclaim, “Law and Order” were climbing the walls of the Capitol, breaking down doors, and causing other destruction. This is wrong, just as I would have said that those during the BLM marches who were harming people or destroying property. I also acknowledge that at both of these events I am sure there were people who are anarchists who joined these various protests who did not care at all about the cause but just wanted to see the cities burn.

However, the aspect that I would like to focus on most in this post is the large display of Christian nationalism at this event, and the increase in Christian nationalism over the past several years (although it has existed for many years). Let me unequivocally say that Christian nationalism is anti-Christ and anti-gospel. Now I am not referring to patriotism where people have a great appreciation for our country, a thankfulness for the freedoms we have that have been made possible by the brave men and women who have served our country or wanting to see your country be a place of justice and freedom. When I say nationalism I am speaking of this mentality where our focus is America first above all else, where we are not just proud of our country but instead, we think our country can do no wrong, and whatever our country does is good and all those who oppose us are evil. What happens in Christian nationalism is you see the blending of the “Christian” way with the American way where they become indistinguishable. It becomes a civil religion where to serve the State is to serve God, and to serve God is to serve the State. Where to practice patriotic displays is required to be a good American which also means you are a good Christian and visa versa. An example of this taking place was at the Republican National Convention when VP Pence took the scriptures of 2 Corinthians 3:17 and Hebrews 12:1-2 and distorted what they meant about freedom in Christ to represent the American way of freedom, where he substituted “Old Glory” for “Jesus”, and employed people keep our eyes fixed on this land of heroes and let their courage inspire. This is Christian Nationalism and it is Anti-Christ. We also saw this on display at the DC riots two days ago when people were carrying around all of that Christian paraphernalia in the midst of their destructive actions supporting their partisan cause.

The American way is not the Way of Christ. These two things are not synonymous. Further, there is no nation that is a Christian nation. Yes, there are nations like ours that appreciate aspects of the Christian faith, and take parts of it that they feel will be beneficial for their country, but there are no countries that fully seek to follow the way of Christ. Yet, there are many people who believe that America is a Christian nation, that the American way and the way of Christ are one and the same, so this means “God is on our side”. This ugly distortion of the gospel not only causes pain to our country, the world, but also to the true message of Christ.

The way of Christ is not the Democrat way, the Republican way, the Libertarian way. The way of Christ is also not some kind of watered-down version of the various partisan parties, instead, the way of Christ is an alternative way. A way that is not to be co-opted by the State. The way of Christ transcends the tribalism and hyper-individualism that is so prevalent in the United States, that continually seeks to pin people against each other and encourages an “Us vs. Them” mentality.

With this being “Baptism of the Lord” Sunday on the Church Calendar it reminds me of the vows we commit to in our baptism as we follow Christ. How we die to ourselves so that we are made new in Christ. How we commit to renouncing the spiritual forces of wickedness, reject the evil powers of this world, to repent of our sins, to resist evil, injustice, and oppression in whatever forms they present themselves as we put our whole hope and trust in Jesus. My friends this is the way of Christ let us pursue it above all others.

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