Thursdays are typically when I spend a lot of time writing my sermon, prayers, and call to worship for worship, so of course, this has got me thinking about our Sunday morning worship service. As I was preparing things I came across an important image reminder that I am sharing with you today. It reminded me as Christians that we are to invite others to join us as we follow Christ.
Now, I also understand the issues that have cropped up over the last 3 to 4 decades with the “attractional” approach, where people would just invite their friends to church, and then expect the “professionals” to do the rest. This is falling short of our responsibility to be disciples who make disciples. Yet, at times we swing the other way too far and we stop reaching out to others. We can almost adopt a mentality that says, “Well, I am here now so let’s close the door behind me.”
When we become too insider-focused, or just “Jesus and Me” “-centric, then we forget our call to love our neighbors. Now, please understand I do not mean forcing our beliefs on others. I don’t mean putting down or degrading what others believe, but many people are spiritually hungry and are we willing to say, “Come and see”.
Another chart gave a little more information…
What initially brought you to church?
6-8% Walked in by own initiative
2-3% Liked a program offered
8-10% Liked the pastor
3-4% Had a need met by the church.
1-2% Were Evangelized
3-4% Attracted by Sunday School
70-85% Invited by a relative or friend!
The average is 83% came to church because of an INVITE by a friend or relative.
Even though the statistics show time and time again that it is a personal invite from a friend or family member that makes the most significant difference, how often does the church think instead we just have to have the right program (2%), or if we just get the “right” pastor (8-10%), or if we just find the right need then it will bring them in (3%), or we will just focus on being friendly if people decide to show up (6%).
While somewhere between 79-85% of people say they would attend a church if a friend/family member invited them, a study/survey done by Thom Rainer who is an American writer, researcher, speaker, and former president and CEO of LifeWay Christian Resources says this…
“only 2% of church members invite a single unchurched person to church each year.”
Thom Rainer
WOW and not WOW in a good way. Around 80% would attend if invited but only about 2% of church members will invite an unchurched person to church each year!
My friends, we are desperately in need of a Church that is willing to live out the faith. We are in need of Christians who are willing to get off the sidelines, stop grumbling about what they are not getting, and love their neighbors.
Let it be so!