
Revolutionary Love Enters the Scene

In Advent and during Christmas time it is pretty typical to see lots of pictures of baby Jesus calming laying in a manger (of course sleeping and not crying), to see animals attentively looking on instead of the donkey taking a giant dump in the corner, or the Ox trying to eat the hay/straw that…


Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

I don’t know how you are feeling today, what you are going through, or what you have already gone through, but if you are going through challenging times like many people are right now I want you to know that you are not alone. Beyond this, I want you to know that if you are…


The Lost Art of Sharing

From a young age, we have to be taught to share, whether this is our toys, candy, or another favorite object of ours. Even as we progress in age this does not guarantee we will be good at sharing, as I have witnessed 8-year-olds who are better at sharing than someone in their 80’s. However,…


Love is Essential

Today I was reflecting on the often used scripture in 1 Corinthians 13, or otherwise known as the “Love Chapter”. Even if you are not a part of the church if you have gone to a wedding before I would almost guarantee you have heard this passage of scripture, but in case you haven’t here…


From Grief to Joy

I can remember growing up hearing things such as, “Don’t cry”, “Boys shouldn’t cry”, or when I got older being told, “Just fake it till you make it.” I want to say I believe all of these things are not only bad advice but also harmful. I believe this leads to an increase in suicides…