From Grief to Joy

Happy funny child under the autumn shower. Girl is wearing yellow raincoat and enjoying rainfall.

I can remember growing up hearing things such as, “Don’t cry”, “Boys shouldn’t cry”, or when I got older being told, “Just fake it till you make it.” I want to say I believe all of these things are not only bad advice but also harmful. I believe this leads to an increase in suicides when people feel like they can’t share how they are truly feeling or what they are going through.

First, I want you to hear today that it is ok to grieve and it is ok to mourn. Jesus even said in the Beatitudes, “Blessed are those who mourn; they shall be comforted.” Jesus didn’t say, “Put on your big boy shoes and stop being sad.” I think this also opens up our eyes that while the things causing us grief can also open up the door to blessings. Please hear I am not saying that God causes bad things to happen to you, but I am saying that God can bring good out of what Satan intends for evil.

Secondly, I want you to know that you will miss out on future joy if you are not willing to deal with and face your current grief. Currently, we are facing so much change and uncertainty which has lead to a lot of restlessness, hurt, and pain.

Thirdly, Joy is more than just having a certain mentality, smiling more, being someone who wakes up singing with the birds outside, nor as I mentioned above is it putting on a fake smile and saying you’re fine when it is anything but fine. Joy comes from experiencing our grief, mourning, and continuing to let God heal and restore us.

Listen to Psalm 126

A pilgrimage song.

126 When the Lord changed Zion’s circumstances for the better,
    it was like we had been dreaming.
Our mouths were suddenly filled with laughter;
    our tongues were filled with joyful shouts.
It was even said, at that time, among the nations,
    “The Lord has done great things for them!”
Yes, the Lord has done great things for us,
    and we are overjoyed.

Lord, change our circumstances for the better,
    like dry streams in the desert waste!
Let those who plant with tears
    reap the harvest with joyful shouts.
Let those who go out,
    crying and carrying their seed,
    come home with joyful shouts,
    carrying bales of grain!

This was not an act of pretending that Zion’s circumstances before were easy, no big deal, or easy sailing, instead, it shows how in the midst of those tragedies the Lord intervened. Out of chaos, God will bring order. Out of pain, God desires to bring healing.

So, take a moment this day to pause, to ask if you have been avoiding grieving? Do you need to go to God and reveal what has been hidden in your heart? Do you need to sit down with someone and share what you have been holding onto? Next, if you are ready for this step, how might God bring healing and wholeness out of your difficult situation? How can you trust God with this today?

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